The Towers of Uncertainty

The Towers of Uncertainty

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Park the truck along a turnout on the Geology Tour Road, leaving the relative safety of being on a maintained and a somewhat regularly traveled dirt road, and set off on foot across the desert to a somewhat formidable looking pile of rocks collectively known as The Towers of Uncertainty. Afterall, the name alone demanded a visit.

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Gold Coin Mine

Gold Coin Mine

I remember visiting this area when I was a kid and how excited I was to get out of the car, climb the hills and explore the tunnels and drifts that dot the Hexie Mountains. And now, many years later, it’s still the same. Even though I know hundreds of people have explored these old mines, places like this seem to renew that sense of adventure and discovery I’ve had since I was a boy. And that motivates me to hike the trails, climb the mountains and explore the backcountries. The gold I find are the pictures I take. 

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Boy Scout Trail

Boy Scout Trail

The only thing I knew about the Boy Scout Trail before today was that that the one-way distance was roughly 8 miles. And while it was on my list of undone things that I wanted to do in the park, in all honesty it was towards the bottom. But my brother somehow talked me into meeting him at the trail end near Indian Cove campground, leaving one car there and taking the other car to the trailhead inside the park  (he didn't have to try too hard, I really don't need much of an excuse to head out to J Tree for a hike) . That way we could hike the trail the easier (yes, I admit it) direction, downhill. And when we finished, drive back to pick up the other car.

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E's Arch

E's Arch

It doesn't take long for me to start seeing things in the rocks when I'm hiking at J Tree. Giant mushrooms, faces, animals....they all seem to morph out of rock formations in my imagination. But one of the coolest sights I came across during the day wasn't an animal or face rock, it was a small arch rock, located on the side of a little rockhill. I've decided to adopt it and make it my own; I have named it "E's Arch." It is my pleasure to present it to you now.

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Geology Tour Road, Revisited

Geology Tour Road, Revisited

I recently found an old, 1975 edition of the Geology and Man Motor Nature Trail Guide on my bookshelf. I must have bought it back it back in the day, probably on a trip to the Monument with my brother and parents. I can remember traveling along the bumpy road, stopping at the points indicated while someone read the description of what we were looking at. Those were fun trips and as I haven’t done that since, I thought it was time to revisit the Geology Tour Road to see what I could find.

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